
Surfer Girl Dream Gone Bad

I had big plans for the January sun this past weekend.
I was going to learn how to surf. 
I borrowed the "wettie", had a cute boy visiting who was more than willing to teach me, and a light green long board which according to him was made for me since it matched my eyes.
Sounds like a dream, right?
I thought so too.
I even dreamed that I would say something to him like:
via fifi du vie on etsy
And he would reply, "Yes dear, let's"
After a sunshine filled day of paddling hard, and trying to find my balance:
via shehitpausestudios on etsy
I might look a little like this:

via slanchreport

and we would end the day gabbing and laughing about how much sun, surf, and fun we had:

source unknown

Ha, I wish!
What really happened is that I got out there and completely froze. It seems as though I may have a bit of a phobia of the ocean and even the smallest waves it produces. 
I know now that if I ever want to surf, I must spend more time in the ocean so I don't have a heart attack in my 20's.
Take note: I will learn how to surf!
It may take more time since I have some mental hurdles to get over but I will get there...I promise!
PS~Aside from the near panic attack, the weekend was dreamy and memorable for various other reasons ;)

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